Why You Should Start A Podcast!
Ok, so let’s talk about Podcasts…..you might be saying, “What’s so great about them?” or “Do I really need one to promote my business?” My short answer is YES! I mean, why wouldn’t you want to utilize such a great platform to promote your business? There are currently over 700,000 podcasts available and is the fastest growing medium, apart from when people start browsing the internet.
Podcasts started making their mark around 2005 and have quickly grown in popularity over the years. Even my mom listens to podcasts! I first stumbled upon them when I used to commute a long distance for work. Since watching videos while driving is frowned upon, I switched over to podcasts and fell in love. They are so easy to access….if you have a smart phone, then there is already a podcast app built right in. The best part about them is they are FREE. I am all about freebies! Another reason I love podcasts is that they are multi-task friendly. So, whether you are driving, running errands or cleaning the house. You can listen to a podcast on any subject while you continue to do the task at hand.
Podcasts are a great way to build a connection with your audience. Everyone loves a story and people love telling stories. In Marketing, storytelling is compelling and sometimes an evocative way of getting a message across. The best part is that it’s fairly affordable to start a podcast and a fantastic way to build a meaningful relationship with your audience.
Now I’m going to share with you my top 5 podcasts that you need to check out.
1.) The GaryVee Audio Experience with host Gary Vaynerchuk – If you haven’t heard of Gary yet, you need to google him. He is an entrepreneur, CEO, investor and complete innovator. Gary shares some great tips on marketing, business and is known for treating people with kindness
2.) “unemployable” with host Brian Clark – a podcast for self-made business owners from freelancers to solo entrepreneurs to VIPs in any industry.
3.) “Startup” with Alex Blumberg and Lisa Chow – If you want to listen to raw business stories, the Startup podcast is right for you!
4.) The Ramsey Show with host Dave Ramsey – Dave talks about how to take control of your life and money. He gets right to the point, and he is a no-fluff kind of guy.
5.) The Goal Digger with host Jenna Kutcher – online marketing expert who built a million-dollar business by teaching others how to use online marketing tools in a fun and personalized way.
So, here’s the deal, you may have never even considered starting a podcast to promote your business, but I have to ask, why not? It’s extremely easy to start one and will give you a whole different platform and different audience that you may have never been able to reach before. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from reaching for the stars!